Saturday, January 19, 2008

Tat To The Too...

A friend of mine was talking about getting a tattoo for her birthday, which is now much easier to do around these parts. She asked me if I had one and if so was it hard to get. And if I had any thoughts on what to choose.

This is always a difficult thing to explain for me as I have a full body tattoo done in exacting detail of myself and I sometimes get complaints about it from tattoo artists due to what they call sloppy work.
I would rather have tattooed my nerve, but like usual it wasn't around when I needed it.

Anyway, I told her to just pick something she might figure on enjoying still when she got older. And maybe try to steer clear of the flames on the forehead, eyeballs on the cheeks or cryptic wraparound messages along the neck from languages nobody actually knows what the hell they say except from some random Nepal dude who translates it out to "Insert dong here."

And stay away from phase tattoos. I mean how's that Beyonce riding a bengal tiger with a flaming sword or Timberlake snapping a whip at your tit tatt going to look in a few years?

I suggested she just stick with the butterfly above the ass or flower on the ankle and she should be safe...I hope she comes back with something above the ass cause she's very cute and I've got poor far as she knows anyway...darnit...I should've tricked her into getting a braille butterfly above the ass tattoo. Ding! Dang!! Darn!!!

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