Thursday, January 10, 2008


I just got off from having a quick sniperesque phone call with a friend who was checking on me...

Confab as follows:

Friend - "Jeff?"

me - "Yes?"

friend - "Man, I heard you had some recent weird medical news. I had a few seconds and wanted to ask if you were doing alright."

me - "Well, I'm not exactly eating gumdrops and shitting butterflies, so meh. But thanks for asking."

friend - "Well, ok cool"

me - "Your overwhelming concern is being added to my ledger as we speak."

friend - "Uhmm...alright. Talk to you soon"

me - "Sure, don't let the dial tone smack you in the ass on the way out."


I maybe should have said thanks with slightly more enthusiasm, but that few seconds statement thing is about the equivalent of calling someone one block before driving into a tunnel.

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