Friday, January 11, 2008

It's Friday!

Happy Friday or Day of the Fries.
Named as such to honor Finnius French, The Lord of the Fries.
Who would set his enemies decapitated heads upon skewers, stuff the ears and mouth with potatoes and the nose with potato slivers once a week.
The starving town peasants would sometimes sneak up at night and remove the slivers for their weekly dinner, which would have to be heavily salted to remove that tangy decaying head taste.
Upon being asked what they were doing that evening, each would say:
"Going to get some of French's Fries."
Hence our love today of heavily salted potato slivers adoringly called "French Fries"
And ketchup was later added to give a realistic "freshly removed from a bloody head" look.


Jax said...

You are hilarous...totally crack me up!

Choosy Mothers Choose Jeff said...

Why thank you...I may as well be good at something like that cause my gigolo work so isn't paying off...