Sunday, January 13, 2008

Shamrocks and Shalalies.

If it just so happens, like totally hypothetically, you know you hear about it on the playground or in a bar and not that I would really have knowledge of any of this mythological kind of thing, but if say a friend finds a, well let's call it a rainbow and gets slightly perturbed at a cobwebbed filled kettle, cause honestly screw those weird ass Skittles, well let him know it's best to wrap it in foil before you toil. You know cover the stump before you hump. And not flop a green clad shorty over a tree's gravemarker before he ensues to show his love of the Irish. Besides being notorious drunks, troublemakers and gold hoarding dicks those little crotch disease packing bastards have been known unicorn rapists for centuries. Granted they do have to put each other up to it every time. Let's just say a fine fitted helmet on the soldier will save you, ow, from, aieee, several days of, ouch, weird and, ohhhh, life altering pain.
Admitting nothing I can only add that I am now one hundred percent sure of the real reason why a unicorns horn drops off and it sure isn't for dressy demons or trade on the ivory market.
That is of course if I believed in, ouch, any of that stuff. Especially the Skittles being eaten part.


The Local Malcontent said...

Ahh, but they're so magically delicious!
I wanted to say welcome to the Oklahoma Bloggers to ya Jeff, and tell you also that I've been a choosy 'Mother' all my adult life.
You have a really fresh blog (fresher by the day) and you open up a new front of assualt on the preconceived notions of Okies.
Can't wait to see what a graphic designer puts up as his first photo or artwork here!

There is an evil component to the Ok.Blg.Ass. to be aware, wary of; there's some pushy ones, sly ones.

But maybe you'll be smarter than I was, and discern them.

Welcome! And casfaac to you, too.

Choosy Mothers Choose Jeff said...

Well thankies! I've enjoyed popping by the site and other Okie blogs as well.

I may have to wait to add any of my work to here as I have the proper computer of a Mac at home and use on of those silly PCs at my workplace with cruddy old Corel as my art type program, which will not transfer any workable files to here. Such is life.

I'm sure to be lampooned, tricked and beguiled by anything, so I'll let you know how smart I actually was after joining something.

And calfsack back at ya'!

Jax said...

Oh make me laugh so hard that I gave you something...but you will have to steal it off my post if you want it....I know it's not the artwork the localmalcontent was talking about LOL

Choosy Mothers Choose Jeff said...

I'm totally honored.