Monday, January 14, 2008

It's Called A Nap Right?

When you're sitting in the living room recliner and kind of fade out for about 10-15 minutes, come to with your pants pooled around your feet, shirt bunched around one arm, underwear on your head, the front door slightly ajar and peanut butter all over your face is just basically a nap right...right??


DrillerAA said...

Happens to me everytime the grand kids come over.

Jax said...

LOL yes, sounds like my youngest child came to visit you today....hmmm I thought he was with his Nana!

Sparkle Plenty said...

Yessssss...a naaaaaaap.

You miiiiiight just want to check and see if there's a Russian mail order bride and/or a coterie of white slavers lurking in the broom closet over there. Stride on over, singing "I Whistle A Happy Tune" in a loud, brave voice.

Choosy Mothers Choose Jeff said...

All the above might just be true...although I did find this later on written in lipstick on my back "Thanks for a good time."
Good time? I mean it was only friggin' ten minutes for crying out loud!
Ah, well. At least I was able to please...even more so then had I actually been awake.