Sunday, May 11, 2008

To Answer A Recent Question...

What I've been up to?
Well...I've been kind of tinkering around with old teaching aids for my Weapons of Math Instruction, introduced a pure animal meat based substance into the worlds Tofu supply and just recently released several thousand knife wielding monkeys who only target street mimes.
So, I guess, you know, same old same old.


The Local Malcontent said...

Well that explains away one or days, tops--
what about the other 88 days?

Welcome back,Jeff! I'll get right on that re-adding your blog back to the blogroll, dude.

(so, I guess someone finally paid your kidnap ransome?)

The Local Malcontent said...

just moments ago, that read "one or two days"

Jax said...

Well again..I am thrilled you are back...the mimes were getting way out of control...GO MONKEYS!

Choosy Mothers Choose Jeff said...

Well, if by paid the ransom did they leave me naked in a dung strewn field after being subjected to 78 hours of Sex and The City and never even tried to call any of family...then yes, ransom paid in full.

And Jax, my gosh do I ever detest mimes. I couldn't train those monkeys fast enough!