Sunday, May 11, 2008

Me Like Camera Much...

That's right!
Besides complaining about life and being a jerk, I like photos.
Check to the left of here and see if you can figure out which link is appropriate.
It wont be hard...honest...


Sparkle Plenty said...

WELCOME BACK!!! C'mon, admit it: You only came back to make me feel ashamed because I finally gave up all hope and removed you from my link list?! Back up you go.

Your cat post really made me laugh, as did this classic line from January, before you were ________ (abducted by aliens, went to the World Badminton Championships in Schenectady, got lost in the juice aisle of a Sam's Club somewhere deep in the heartland):

"So I was talking to Johnson from marketing next to the watercooler about the recent decrease in company output. He took this time to remind me that he is only a figment of my imagination with no real control concerning my overall productivity. And then went on to add that three dixie cups and half a pitcher of Orange knockoff Kool-Aid does not a watercooler make."

Glad you're back, and thanks for the turkey advice.

Choosy Mothers Choose Jeff said...

Several people told me you had just finally removed me, so that motivated me to make a triumphant return and rub it in your face for blog backstabbing me and spreading those rumors of my botched sex change.

I was actually abducted by an entire Sam's Club Badminton team who kept me hidden away under 600 pounds of rice (which just happened to be the smallest bag of rice they had on stock.)

Yeah, that Johnson and his load of "figment of my imagination" crap. I told him to prove it in court, but he has yet to show up...what a loser...I just hope he doesn't beat me out for a promotion again this year though...