Friday, May 16, 2008

Driving (me insane) or Call Me (crazy)

Their is a recently new four lane highway between Perkins, The Jewel of Payne County and Stillwater, the Gateway to Perkins (see it’s kind of a reciprocal relationship.) Mostly people obey the laws and rules of the road, both legal and of thumb.
Except there seems to be a small percentage, though 25-30 percent may be recognized as a slightly larger than small group depending on the grand total of the sample, who drive in a daze.
Which had made me come to realize that the left lane is for VIPs (Vastly Ignorant People) as they must be so damn ignorant off all others they can’t even consider changing lanes even though they tend to travel ten or miles under the speed limit. The posted limit anyways, these VIP types may have weekly meetings to confirm their annoying place in the world by imposing a low speed limit on their many members a well as make sure they are performing up to quota on cell phone conversations on the road, in a drive-thru or any given place where, even though the talk they are having with an obviously angered loved one or spurned date would make the most prolific eavesdropper turn away, blush in shame and scrub his ears profusely. They are usually talking so loud that they must stupidly think they are in their own living room, porch or pay toilet (that is the wonder of a pay toilet, cause I think if you have to pay to pee you should be able to do whatever the dim-damn you want to in the confines of those hastily scrawled phone numbered walls. Pending murder, but then again even that hinges on the cost of said pay'n'poop receptacle.)
In conclusion I hate to drive along those who lack even a smidgen of common courtesy or listen to people make public spectacles of themselves when liquor is not involved or being sold two steps away in mass quantities. I would rather be the official change giver at a currency enforced porta-potty that uses a leaky low pressure garden hose instead of toilet paper for those chunky castoffs.

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