Friday, May 23, 2008

My New Movie Project

"There's Something About The 40-Year Old Virgin Mary"

May not play so well in the south...

Advance pre-production tickets are only 1.5 million...give or take a hundred thousand, but it does come with free popcorn (real butter is soooo extra.)


The Silver Fox said...

I'm not sure you'll do a lot of business with that one, even outside the so-called Deep South, but at those ticket prices, you'll clean up if only a few thousand go to see it.

Choosy Mothers Choose Jeff said...

I figure that when the studios see my script-on-an-index-card creative process that this thing will never be green lit.
And that's why I specified a pre-sale...that and my plane ticket to Central America after collecting early fundage should make what those snooty movie execs think moot.