Tuesday, May 27, 2008

P&J Tips

For efficient Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwich making, take two pieces of bread.
Add your favorite jam or jelly to one piece and then your favorite peanut butter to the other piece.
Put the two pieces of bread together and you've got yourself a sandwich partner.

In yer face Sparkle!


Sparkle Plenty said...

You win, Choosy Jefe. But, boy. That sounds a little messy to me. You've got two slices of bread pressed together with peanut butter on the outside of one slice and jam or jelly on the outside of the other slice? And nothing in between? Why even bother to press them together? You should just spread the peanut butter and jelly on your hands. Hell of a thing.

Choosy Mothers Choose Jeff said...

What one earth is with you gals and the spreading or tasting of peanut butter on body parts?
I taste like it or I have it all over my hands.
My goodness!
Is there a chapter missing from my Kama Sandwich Sutra or something.
Not saying I don't like it but I just wish to know more so I can fully appreciate it.

Ishat's Fire and Ice said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ishat's Fire and Ice said...


This post was subliminal for sticky juicy sex. I could see it so vividly in my subconscious. When the peanut butter and the jelly meet. Well. What can I say. Very sexual.

Oh and my taste thing came from a different episode of Salad Fingers. He has finger puppets and tastes them. Than he describes what they taste like .

But anything else about tasting people I will plead the 5th. La La La.

The Silver Fox said...

I agree with Ishat. The sexy stuff was subliminal, but there for those who know where to look!

And be careful with the face of the lovely Sparkle! Thou shalt not disrespect the cutey-pie! (Not saying you did, just making sure!)

Cake said...

Yer all weird.

::goes off to roll in peanut butter and jam::

The Silver Fox said...

Somebody! Anybody! Bring a video camera over to Cake's house, NOW!

This could be better than Bloggers Gone Wild!

Choosy Mothers Choose Jeff said...

I'm having trouble concentrating after the cake gone wild post...
I think I'll just close with that age old saying: "I'm peanut butter and you're jelly, whatever comes out of me sticks to your belly."
Or something like that...

Sparkle Plenty said...

Do you have a "Slow Thinker" comment track? Some days that would...Rats. Lost my train of thought.

The Silver Fox said...

"I'm peanut butter and you're jelly, whatever comes out of me sticks to your belly."

Now there's a line I've used! Well, the second part, anyway...

And Jeff, by now I guess you've learned that the bloggers around here will pretty much call you whatever they want to, especially since your comments (like mine) are posted under your blog's title rather than your name.

Another thing you'll notice is that your blog will rarely be called by its official name when people put you on their link list. Haven't figured out why that is yet. In my case, "David'Z RantZ" has been renamed "Ranty McRant," "A Man + Ranting = David'z Rantz," "David with a Z," "He's David. He Rantz," etc. Good luck with your anticipated renamings.

Choosy Mothers Choose Jeff said...

I've already noticed that trend David. I tend to be lazy when listing others in my blog link lineup. It's just that I'm not very creative.

And Sparkle, I...um...uhhh...

Jax said...

OMG...you kill me...thats why I left you something on my lil blog...or whats left of my blog...LOL

Ishat's Fire and Ice said...

You sexxxy beast!

See what happens when you post subliminal kicky sexual posts.

You get a lot of replies.

Maybe I should switch from herstory and boobie history to just plane old subliminal sex.

Hey I have fluffernutter. It's white and sticky and sweet and... Oh get your minds out of the gutter... I like it with jelly, squishy, juicy jelly.

Out of the gutter the lot of you. I feel clostophobic with you all in here with me.

Sparkle Plenty said...

And, from the breakdown lane of today's Slow Thinker Comment Track: You know, while not at all related to peanut butter, jelly, household hints, or sexy sandwiches, I must say that "All up in my grill" is one of my favorite expressions ever. I think "in your face" just made me think of it. Either that or thinking about grilled cheese. One or the other. It's great--you can say it in anger, in pity, in love, or just to be funny. This grill moment brought to you by Sparkle, the Good Grill People.

Stela said...

hahaha i want a pb&j sandwich now!

Silme said...

I am going to go off on a tangent to the rest of the commentators and say "ick, weird american foodstuffs!". But that was probably not unexpected from a picky european ;)

(Though, but don't tell, the reaction is more pronounced since I am just back from from your side of the pond called the Atlantic)

Choosy Mothers Choose Jeff said...

I can't believe you made it back to the states...at least for a little while anyway. I hope you had a good time of it and were able to do more than be sickened by our many many crazy type eating habits.

Choosy Mothers Choose Jeff said...

PS - Ishat, your calling me a sexxxy beast and the use of the word fluffernutter in the same comment is going to be stuck in my thoughts for quite some time...not that's a bad thing...for me anyway...