Monday, July 28, 2008

Zen Related Fury...

I was trying to relax with a round or two of Cell Phone Scrabble and got to a point where it would not allow me to enter the word zen as it was not available in its dictionary.
And this just moments after Raj had been used by the computer player.
With that bit of maddening silliness and my ongoing dating site futility I had to set in front of my Buddha mini zen based rock garden and mediate my frustrations away with my daily chubby figurine prayers of "Why can't I find a woman or a scrabble game that doesn't cheat O' wise little wooden fatman?"

I'm now going to head outside and finish up my weekly throwing of the raw biscuit dough at slow driving passerby.


Melessa Gregg said...

What is up with not being able to use "zen" in Scrabble? It makes me mad. Also, you can get Scrabble for your cell phone?! Where? Sign me up!

Choosy Mothers Choose Jeff said...

Scrabble rocks the house does it not?
I have a version on my computer and would love one for every gaming system/portable device I own.
All I did was do a search for downloadable games with my cell phone.
And it is actually the real deal, not some Word Search or Tile Grab knock off.

And an even more frustrating event was when I attempted to use the word Re and was shot down, but a bit later the computer used it for a going out score bonanza!!
Not stopping me from playing though...I'm waaaaay past hooked.

Ishat's Fire and Ice said...

The Zen of Throwing Dough

Is your chess filled with dough for the throwing pleasure of the slow passer bys?

Sparkle Plenty said...

Stupie computer scrabble Cheatie McCheatster doof-game. I've had the SAME THING happen with "zen." Plus, I think the dang thing peeks at my letters. Y'know: What's to stop it?

7sgames said...

The content was good..And the post is well written
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