Wednesday, July 16, 2008

To Ponder and Such...

It's funny how your life, be it the real bits such as dating (the oh so sad attempts of) or the falsified reality bits such as online gaming and blogging, can be utterly affected by other events.
And like an alcoholic passing a bar on his daily routines I've struggled internally with the need to be lost in the throes of blogging when I stroll past my computer.
The reading, writing and commenting on, I've come to find out, had developed into simple pleasures that seemed lost and out of reach.
Partly due to those real life events, but also when I do blog lurk I like to be able to have the time in place to fully read and think on what I read and maybe even talk about it in some way.
I really need to push past this and probably will in the near and far future and just log on and read or write in snippets whenever I have a second here and a minute there.
Blahbitty, blah, blah-la-laa-la...
I guess the point I'm trying to make is that like an estranged family that you suddenly miss and don't seem to have the time to be around, I've come to dearly miss this second or third family of blog types I've had the fortune to be a minute part of all their daily things and random thoughts.
Huh, I just realized that's the most open I've ever been here...and I also didn't make a rude comment or conjure any naughty mental pictures...that was both easy and supremely difficult.


Anonymous said...

Hello Jeff,

Welcome back to the land of blogdem.

Hope your mother is feeling a lot better.

I have a tendency to lurk on other peoples blogs and if they are highly unlucky, will throw in the occasional insensible comment.

It gives Jayne a bit of a rest if I do.

Best wishes,

Jayne's Mum.

Ishat's Fire and Ice said...

Hey Jeff,

I was happily commented by Janye's mum.

Blogging can be a fun escape from the real world. Especially if you are help caring for a ill family member.

Glad you made it back.

Choosy Mothers Choose Jeff said...

Thank Mum of Jayne.
Well, I'm sure any sense lacking comments will be right in place with my posts of the same nature.

Thanks as well Ishat.
To err is human, to forgive is divine and to blog about it is cathartic...or somesuch...

The Silver Fox said...

"I also didn't make a rude comment or conjure any naughty mental pictures..."

Well, we'll forgive you this time!

Seriously, glad you've been able to check in with this warped community once again.