Friday, June 13, 2008

Hokie Smokes!

Almost two weeks since I've been aboard this ship of fools!
Time sure flies when you're hepped up on pills...especially when none of them are your own prescriptions...
I have actually been crazily busy assisting my father in the care of my mother who after having knee replacement surgery suffered a minor stroke...which sure put a hold on us playing our favorite game of What's That Burning Smell.
All in all, she is much improved and I'm getting drunk whilst not on momma guard duty detail.


Ishat's Fire and Ice said...

Woah! I wondered what happened to you.

Hope Mom is doing o.k..

Nice to see you back.

løvetann said...

Somewhere I've had to write.... i whish either you were Norwegian or I could speak englisk very well.... I really enjoy your 'wordacrobaty'.........

Jax said...

Well Jeff I hope your mother is on her way to a quick recovery, and if she isnt...its because you have taken all her medz...hehehe

Jayne said...

Hope your Mum is doing better by now. Shame about the game though...

Choosy Mothers Choose Jeff said...

Thanks Ishat and Jayne. Me mum is doing somewhat better, but has an onslaught of therapy that I deliver her to 3-4 times a week.

And Jax, if you only knew how scarily accurate that comment is...